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热门关键词: 办公家具


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来源: 保定市恒益钢木家具厂 发布时间: 2023-12-26
办公家具公司调查发现:面对“雾里看花”的实木家具市场,很多消费者却不知道该如何选购。对于办公家具,大部分采购人都是几年购买一回,对家具行业的 发展不一定能做到实时跟踪,难免存在很多购买误区。质量、价格、设计、服务等诸多因素,究竟孰重孰轻?所以,消费者在购买实木办公家具时,一定要擦亮眼 睛,多问细看,仔细辨别。那么,如何购买实木办公家具呢?
An investigation by an office furniture company found that many consumers do not know how to make a purchase in the face of the "seeing flowers in the mist" solid wood furniture market. For office furniture, most buyers purchase it every few years, and they may not be able to track the development of the furniture industry in real-time, which inevitably leads to many purchasing misunderstandings. Which of the many factors is more important, such as quality, price, design, and service? So, when consumers purchase solid wood office furniture, they must keep their eyes open, ask more questions and carefully distinguish. So, how to purchase solid wood office furniture?
The four major steps for purchasing and selecting solid wood office furniture are: first look, second smell, third touch, and fourth knock.
Step 1 of selecting solid wood office furniture: Look
全实木家具存在天然色差,纹理也有差 异,实木贴面的家具外观上缺陷则很少,其纹理清晰甚至优于全实木家具。看疤结是鉴定纯实木的好方法。看好疤痕的 一面所在位置,再在另一面找是否有相应纹 理。另外,可以在安装时看钉孔位置,如果是刨花板就有木屑,密度板则呈现纸浆状。
All solid wood furniture has natural color differences and differences in texture. Furniture with solid wood veneers have few defects in appearance, and their texture is clear and even better than all solid wood furniture. Looking at scar knots is a good way to identify pure solid wood. Check the location of one side of the scar and then look for the corresponding texture on the other side. In addition, you can check the position of the nail holes during installation. If it is particleboard, there will be wood chips, while density board will appear pulp like.
Step 2 of selecting solid wood office furniture: Smell
Most solid wood has the aroma of tree species, pine has a pine resin flavor, cypress has a light aroma, camphor has a clear camphor flavor, but fiberboard and density board have a strong pungent odor, especially in cabinet doors or drawers.
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