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热门关键词: 办公家具


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来源: 保定市恒益钢木家具厂 发布时间: 2023-05-10
(1) conforms to the characteristics of the industry. For example, five star hotels and enterprises due to different industries, so in the decoration, furniture, office supplies, decorations, acousto-optic effect should be significantly different, if the enterprises run by the hotel and office layout, is undoubtedly very funny.

(2) comply with the requirements of use. For example, the general manager (director) office floors in the arrangement, the use of space, interior decoration, equipment and other aspects of the general staff of the office, is not the general manager, director and general staff of different identities, but depend on their office with the different requirements of the use of.

(3) conforms to the nature of the work. For example, the technical departments of the office needs to be equipped with computer, drawing instrument, bookshelf (cabinet) and other technical work necessary equipment, and the public relations department is obviously need more equipment and furniture, telephone, fax machine, sofa, tea table and external relations and the corresponding reception work.
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